Organizing 101: The Golden Rule of Organizing
- July 8, 2020

Organizing 101: The Golden Rule of Organizing

When it comes to organizing I’m a firm believer that there are no rules on how to get the job done “right.”  Now don’t get me wrong, there are definitely processes that are effective and those that aren’t.  However, as long as systems are being implemented that will be utilized, it doesn’t matters if it’s done by room or by category.  There is however one shining exception, what I call the golden rule of organizing.  Regardless of how big or how small your project, if it’s a junk drawer or an entire closet….everything must come out.

I know for some this sounds absolutely impossible.  Surely a few are thinking, “But where will I put all of it? How will I get dressed the next day if I don’t finish?” don’t worry, I’ll cover that.  The golden rule of organizing still remains.  Let me start with why this is the only rule of organizing and then we can get into the details of how to follow it.


Trying to organize a space without removing everything first is akin to trying to learn to tie shoes with one hand.  Is it possible? Sure, but is it the easiest and quickest way to tie shoes when both hands are accessible? Absolutely not.  When organizing a space without first removing everything is possible and can even work efficiently for those who are proficient organizers.  For the vast majority (and I’d argue even for those proficient organizers) taking everything out allows for a reset.  With an empty space and a clear idea of what is staying/leaving, identifying the best way to utilize the space is much more obvious.  Any previous use of specific space is erased and opening the view of potential uses, maybe more effective uses.

Say, for example, the long hanging rod is filled half with long hang items that will be kept and half with items that will be discarded.  A great low-cost way to utilize the extra space is to get a hanging organizer where knit sweaters can be folded instead of hung effectively extending the life of your sweaters.  Many times these types of improvements are not visible to the untrained eye when everything is not removed first.  So in short, take everything out first.


Now that we all agree on why the golden rule of organizing is necessary let’s dive into how to do this in an organized fashion.  First, determine how the project will be approached.  Will 2 hours be dedicated per day for 2 weeks? Or will the project be tackled in one full day? Once the approach is determined, the staging location can be selected.  If the plan is to tackle this project in one day sorting and editing closet contents on your bed is a viable option.  If however the project will be done in small 2 hour increments over 2 weeks the bed probably should not be used as a staging area.  In that case, utilizing roll away racks and large plastic bins that can be tucked away when the project is not being worked on would be a much better option.  If whether a project will take one day or more is unclear, always plan that it will take more than one day.  This will alleviate much frustration when it’s late and the bed is still covered in clothes.

Now, should categories be the preferred method of organizing, the same principle applies.  Wherever the category’s home will be will need to be completely cleared first.  Then be sure to create a staging area that will work for the length of time needed.

I hope you find this helpful and would love to hear from you!  Please share what project you plan to tackle first using the golden rule in the comments!

Cristina Sigurdson

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